One Reply to “Donate via Paypal”

    CIR is the nonprofit arm of federally recognized Indian Land outside of Hollister. We open our land to
    all who wish to partake in Indigenous American ceremony, from sweat lodges, to storytelling (most Indigenous Americans are oral history practitioners), to dance and song ceremony, and beyond.

    People come to the land for so many reasons, among them: to reconnect people who suffer NDD (Nature Deficit Disorder) to
    the land; as indigenous people in need of land for ceremony; for vision quest and coming of age ceremonies; marriages, naming, memorials and mourning ceremonies; and many more. We also practice and teach land stewardship, fire ecology and hold ‘Fire Mimicry’ workshops. We provide encouragement and aid to non-indigenous community who wish to take steps towards connecting to being responsible ancestors-in-training.

    All of these practices, education and support systems can bring a centering spiritually, physically and emotionally. We seek to allow people to seek and maintain balance and wellness while practicing in a manner that is in line with their belief systems. Pre-covid, we have an excessive 5000 visitors annually to Indian Canyon.

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